



11月16日に国際教養コースの1・2年生はTOKYO GLOBAL GATEWAYに行き、語学研修を行いました。TGGは東京都江東区にある通称「東京都英語村」と呼ばる施設です。そこでは日本にいながら海外にいる体験ができ、1日英語漬けで過ごすことができます。クラスを数人の班に分け、そこに1名のイングリッシュスピーカーがついて1日を過ごします。午前中は買い物や、ホテルの予約、飛行機でのやり取りなど海外で体験するであろう会話のシチュエーションをお店や飛行機の中で行いました。午後はSDGsを英語で勉強をして最後は班でプレゼンテーションを行いました。日常生活と離れたいつもと違う環境の中、全員がとても意欲的に取り組んでいました。2年生は昨年に続いての研修で、昨年よりも堂々と英語を話す姿は1年間の成長を感じました。


2年5組 K君体験記 On November 16, we went to the TGG in Odaiba, Tokyo. TGG is a place where we can learn English like we were studying abroad. It has some facilities which we often use in daily life. For example, there is a market, hotel, and so on. But they are not usual the facilities. All clerks speak English but don’t speak Japanese, so, we can’t communicate with them in Japanese. If you want to make an order, you have to use English instead of Japanese. In the beginning, I thought it difficult to do, because I didn’t have any confidence. I was scared of making a mistake. At that time, an English speaker said to the students, “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. You should keep trying.” Hearing this phrase, I was moved and decided to talk to an English speaker in English with a gesture. After that, I could communicate with them and found it interesting. At the end of the lesson, I didn’t have such a fear. Rather, I thought I want to communicate with them in English more. It was a precious and important experience for me.